Where Aurora's Shoppe Began

Where Aurora's Shoppe Began

Aurora's Shoppe really started when I, Aurora, was around middle school age. My shop didn't have a name, but it started with me painting bookmarks and selling them over the summer. I went around and sold them to everyone I knew, everyone was so excited to help support my art.

Since then, I looked for more hobbies and art I could sell, I got into junk journals, and had one bulk order for around 13 journals, it was the highlight of my summer. I was able to get them done in a week and took pictures, that have since been lost, of each journal.

these experiences gave me hope, so when I turned 18 I decided to open an etsy shop to sell press on nails, because that was my passion at the time, most of the people I knew loved to see my press ons, and a handful promised to buy some, but I only ever ended up selling one set. This discouraged me, and I stopped painting nails as much, and made less content, almost giving up all together, but I recently started doodling again, and made some really cute drawings of bears.

I personally collect stuffed animals, and thought that it would look so cute next to my plushie displays, so I ordered a print, and made a listing on my etsy. The listing got taken down quickly by etsy, due to their guidelines. I realized quickly that maybe etsy wasn't the best place for my store anymore, I mostly chose it for it's cheap cost. So I research, and ended up creating this shop with shopify! Within less than 24 hours I got my first sale! I gasped so loud it scared my mom's cat.

I decided to order prints from my local career center, where I went to for two years in high school, to help support their Visual Communications program, and the students there who are following a similar path that I did.

I am excited to be going through this journey with all of you. <3

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